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Main » 2010 » November » 10 » The Real Value of Online Marketing Tools & Those Freebies
7:16 AM
The Real Value of Online Marketing Tools & Those Freebies
The other day I happened upon a site where I was invited to subscribe to the webmaster's ezine. All good and well and of course good marketing to have a subscribe page and way of capturing visitors emails on your site. But the webmaster purported to say that the newsletter had a value of $399 but I would be one of the lucky ones and get it for free.

Well I produce a newsletter and I think it is fairly good quality so what value would I put on that...certainly not $399, and I would have no idea what to value it at, after all only the subscriber can properly put a perceived value on the ezine they receive. So how can this other ezine have a value of $399?

And what about all these ebooks which apparently have a resale value of $47, or $97 or more. Who are you going to get to buy these ebooks when everywhere you look the same ebooks are being given out for know the ones - 'Million Dollar Emails', 'Scientific Advertising', 'Magic Letters' and so on....

Many websites and sales pages will attempt to persuade you to buy their product by throwing in a large number of bonuses.....worth hundreds of dollars of course and what are they, the same old ebooks again. And while some of these ebooks are actually worth reading, they now have no real value as they are distributed for free everywhere you look.

If you want to get someone to signup for your newsletter or buy your product or service you need to offer something of real value...something they cannot get hold of anywhere else, or certainly not for the price you are offering it at.

If you produce a newsletter or report, don't place a fictious value on it that cannot be backed up. We are so used to having freebies, bonuses, extras etc pushed in our faces that they no longer really work and to stand out from the crowd, you need to be different. Stick to real quality, proper value and you will get subscribers, sales and signups.

Category: Marketing | Views: 273 | Added by: Ahmad | Rating: 0.0/0
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