Among all statistical analysis, the equation possibility, graphs and some experiments. And among all the projects and plans as well as tools and technology. Beyond black belt and another belt. Beyond all that confusing jargon. Six Sigma has a base that you have to mastered.
Like most great construction. Six Sigma stands on a solid foundation. Everything starts from a simple equation that can be understood by everyone. The equation is Y = f (X) + E where Y is output, the results you want or expect. X is the input, the factors needed to produce output. You may have some input. f is a function that is a way or process in which inputs are concatenated into the output. E is the error factor, the uncertainty of inputs (X) or process (f) which produces output (Y). The simple equation is called a phenomenal breakthrough equation.
In other words. Some input is transformed by some process into output. The result Y is a function of X. To set your desired output transformation process of inputs. Some examples below give further understanding of the equation above.
You make bread using the flour, salt, sugar and some other mixture and then transformed through the process of mixing and baking to become the bread. The mixture is Xs, mixing and baking is the process of transformation f, and the bread is its output (Y).
We return to the example of bread earlier. What If too little salt or its less hot oven? For example, you make 10 bread; Are all the same shape or whether it's the same size all the bread? Chances are there will be variations from one loaf of bread to another, isnt it ?. In six sigma bit errors that occur and which cause variations in the represented by the Greek letter Epsilon. Sometimes the error occurs because the error itself or occurs randomly. However the fact is you have a variation
Every thing has been determined. All output is a function of the input. No matter how hard you try, there certainly is a little mistake. Precisely this is what six sigma used for. To reduce variation to a minimum level and six sigma methodology can be applied to any field.
Before you go any further make sure you understand well the basic concepts of six sigma you have just read. To understand the concept of Y = f (X) + E You should take a lot of practice to identify anything into the form of Y, X, f and E error factor. Happy learning