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Main » 2010 » November » 10 » Portuguese bridles - handmade with tradition and innovation
8:27 AM
Portuguese bridles - handmade with tradition and innovation
Bridle fixed to the mouth of the horse, which controls the direction of horse. Bitless bridle used as noseband to direct the horse. Various designs and effective bridles are available today. It moves the horse for path and control over the animal. Bridle has various components like Crown piece, cheek pieces, throatlatches, brow band, cavesson, Frentera, Fiador, Reins and Bit. However, in a double bridle, the horse has two bits, which is called as 'bit' and 'bradoon'. Double bridle has one additional set of reins. Therefore, in double bridle the rider has to direct with four reins.

The vital element to control the horse is bridle. Improper fitting of bridle make the horse uncomfortable and sometimes lack of control. The size and length of the bridle specifically synchronized to fit into the head of the horse.Many makers recommend bridle of different lengths offered from two to six sizes.

Following the ancient tradition, the modern bridle makers make excellent handcrafted Portuguese bridle. A choice of Portuguese and Baroque models is available in the market. Customize bridle is also offered by makers. Many kinds of Portugal bridle are available with Portugal shop, with materials like to which used in 18th century. They have Portuguese Baroque bridle, Portuguese bridle B, Portuguese bridle BD, Portuguese bridle BDW, Portuguese bridle BW, Portuguese Bridle DW, Portuguese bridle D, Portuguese bridle RB, Portuguese bridle W, combined Portuguese-English bridle of several design and traditional Portuguese baroque bridle of many models and ranges. They are made of excellent leather, buckle and meticulously handcrafted. Lusitano brand is available at Portugal shop

They have launched a fresh horse equipment, the D.Dinis saddle, which is modern as well as functional. The shop has online sale of the products. To buy from online Portugal web is simple and easy. You can view your choice product anytime in their website, put it in the shopping cart. It is necessary to register with their website. Otherwise, the order remains incomplete. In fact, information involving to delivery is necessary. Payment received through credit card verified by Visa.If you record your card, shopping online becomes easy as you are identified online. You need to activate the Vb V of the card.

Category: Shopping | Views: 364 | Added by: Ahmad | Rating: 0.0/0
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