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Main » 2010 » November » 10 » Irish Classified Ads - Tips to Avail the Free Services of Ireland Classified
8:47 AM
Irish Classified Ads - Tips to Avail the Free Services of Ireland Classified
If you are in the business of Drop shipping or just selling online and your business has a website that is good but needs that little extra push to find new suppliers or buyers trading on the internet today, post on free ads Ireland will do the job for you, and best of all its free for business small market retailers wholesalers from any country trading in the world.

There are so many websites are offering Ireland classifieds, Free ads Ireland is for any business trading on the internet with the sole business sense to find new global markets or just to post at a local community level. Also these websites do the job for any Drop shipping business free promotion advertising.

There are hundreds, probably thousands of free classified Ads Ireland websites available to you on the worldwide web. Most offer Ireland classified ads that cost you nothing. Others offer free links to your page or web site. Here are some tips that might make the process simpler and a couple of things that you might consider doing first.

You should have several variations of each Classified ad. Some should be 25 words, some 50 words, and some 100 word ads. Ideally, you should have them already typed up on your text editor such as Write or Note Pad, so that you can just call one up and paste it into the box that is normally found at the site. This will speed up the entire process.

Check out what the policies and procedures are. These will normally tell you the number of words that are allowed, how long your ad will stay listed and any restrictions. They will also tell you whether they provide an active link for your URL and or email address.

Some sites we have placed ads listed our ad for seven days, two weeks, thirty days and others longer. Each is different. Some send you an email reminder that your ad is about to expire, most doing not. So it is advantageous to keep some type of log if you are going to place these type ads on a regular basis.

Some sites also offer upgraded or premium classified ads in Ireland. For an additional nominal amount, they will list your ad with a color headline and your ad will stay at the top of the category you choose for a predetermined period. Some of the upgrade offers are pretty good and insure that your ad will not get lost in the hundreds of other ads that may be in the same category.

Category: Shopping | Views: 295 | Added by: Ahmad | Rating: 0.0/0
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