We all know how hard it can be to get a new fitness plan off the ground. Not only do we have to motivate ourselves to follow it through, but we have to actually work out what the ideal plan is too. The obstacles and questions that need answering can seem daunting: Is it better to get a gym membership or workout from your house? What's the optimum fitness plan for me and my body type, age and health? How often should I exercise? What should I eat? How do I progress as the months wear on? For all of this, the vital thing to remember is that deciding you want to and should get healthy is a huge step that you have already taken. Horizon Treadmills You might want to consider the benefits of Home Fitness Equipment. Treadmills are now cheaper than ever before, and certain models provide a wide range of excellent features. Horizon Fitness Treadmills are popular for their ease of storage, affordability and excellent build quality. Available in a selection of models, they are all essentially Folding Treadmills and so will take up barely any space in your house. Fitness Equipment Websites like Connection Fitness provide a large range of helpful Home Exercise Equipment that can make initiating your fitness plans a much more digestible experience. Exercise guides and built-in programmes across all types of Fitness Equipment are intended to help you reach your specific targets and continue to develop your regime. In terms of formulating your own fitness plan, there are a few steps you should take to assess your own level of fitness, plan the programme and then implement it. Firstly, you should visit a doctor to check on your health then you can garner a few tidbits to help you gain a fuller picture of yourself. These include your pulse rate before and after a one mile walk, how many press-ups you can do without stopping, your waist measurements and your body mass index. These will come in helpful as your fitness plan develops, and will give you a reference point by which you can monitor your progress. • Designing your programme first involves working out what you want to get out of it. Do you want to be able to run a marathon, or do you just want to bolster your general health? • Think about progression and how you can build the length of time and the number of times you exercise each week. • How can you fit your workout around your daily routine? • Try and mix up the planned fitness plan, so that it includes walking, running, swimming, weight lifting, etc. Keeping things interesting will help you stick at it. These and any other factors of training that you want to work out should be written out on paper or on a computer file and stored so that you can easily and regularly consult it for guidance. It should become your bible, of sorts. After you get going, be sure to keep tabs on your progress against the aforementioned statistics. Keep things interesting - listen to music, watch TV shows whilst you use your Treadmills. Take a walk as the sun is setting. You should also be flexible and allow for discrepancies. Don't beat yourself up if you falter; just use it as a reason to double your efforts or re-group and shake up your fitness plan. Be adaptable. If your body tells you it is in pain, stop and recover, and/or visit the doctor. The main thing not to loosen your grip on is the want to better yourself.