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Main » 2010 » November » 8 » Direct Response Media Buying- 3 Mistakes Most Companies Make
9:01 AM
Direct Response Media Buying- 3 Mistakes Most Companies Make
When it comes to direct response media buying there are good companies and not so good companies. Every industry has this problem, and this article will discuss 3 common mistakes that DRTV companies make when working with clients. Stay away from a company that makes these mistakes and you will be well on your way to hiring a great DRTV media buying agency.

It would be great if all companies in this industry were true professionals, but seldom is that the case in any profession. Here are 3 common mistakes made by direct response media buying agencies, so make sure to do your research in order to make an informed buying decision. 
1. Not targeting the right audience. One of the benefits of direct response media buying is the ability for businesses to target a specific market. Often times inexperienced DRTV agencies will simply run television ads without fully knowing viewer demographics. If the DRTV media buying firm your company hires tries to sell a product or service to untargeted buyers the results could be dismal. 
2. Paying too much for media. Inexperienced media buying firms may not have the experience necessary to buy media at lower prices. This means that companies often times pay too much for the advertising, which cuts into overall profits. A quality direct response media buying agency will be able to get deals based on past relationships that new or inexperienced companies cannot. 
3. Not giving the consumer a strong call to action. Believe it or not people watching television want to be told what to do. If a company is advertising on television and does not have a strong call to action a lot of money could be left on the table. The call to action is what will get a potential customer to call, visit a website, or order a product. Without a well written call to action sales will never surpass expectations.

Experienced direct response media buying agencies will not make these mistakes because they know how the market works. If your company or organization is looking to run a successful DRTV marketing campaign then make sure and call an experienced firm. They will be worth every penny.

Category: Marketing | Views: 251 | Added by: sarono | Rating: 0.0/0
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