The WorldPerks Visa Signature Card offers those that have excellent credit with the benefits and the details that they deserve. If you are looking for a signature credit line that provides for exclusive benefits, then this may just be the perfect credit card offer for you. You should have a good amount of credit history and a high credit score to apply. If you qualify, you will obtain some of the best possible benefits out there. The Benefits The WorldPerks Visa Signature Card offers several of the most important features. You have no credit limit with this credit card. That means that you can spend as much as you want to on this line of credit. Your APR is that of 17.75% depending on your qualifications. There is an annual fee that is $90.00. This credit card is offered by US Bank and provides for benefits in the way of travel through Northwest Airlines. You will get two miles for every dollar that you spend through Northwest Airlines. You will additionally get one mile per dollar spent for every other purchase you make with this credit card. When you get started, you will receive 90 miles each year, when you pay your annual fee. You can also earn up to 5 miles per dollar that you spend at qualifying restaurants. To get you started, you will have 10,000 miles added to your account with your first purchase. You can then use your miles for free travel through any of the Northwest Airlines and their partners. Your miles will never expire, as long as you keep the account active. There are some restrictions on mileage that you should take into consideration, though. You can not spend more than $80,000 per year and no more than $10,000 per billing cycle. This will limit your mileage earning. The WorldPerks Visa Signature Card is the ideal choice for someone that uses Northwest Airlines or their partners, has excellent credit and is looking for a credit line that has no pre set limit.