People who want to become rich have always wondered what it takes to become rich. Even though there are no hard and fast rules or thumb rules which will guarantee the accumulation of wealth, there are few things which are evident in all success stories. People who become rich are not necessarily the ones who are toppers in their schools or intellectual giants. The key to becoming rich lies in the approach of a person. Many people manage to become rich not merely by chance or luck but would have done a few logical things which would have helped them get where they have reached. The plan is the most important thing which is very crucial and often hard to come up with. A person who wants to become rich should have a well defined plan of action or a vision of how he or she aims to go about making money. Many people might not be able to come up with a plan all of a sudden. Some people would have experienced a few things out of which they have built a particular plan of action. There are also some people who have an idea which they have pursued and struck oil. People can gather riches either by investing in an enterprise or by working in a business. Either way, it is necessary to have a plan and to oversee the income as well as the expenditure. It is very necessary to know the places from where the money is coming and also identify the places where the money is being spent. Saving money is one of the best ways of becoming rich. Hence saving is one thing that will surely help people become rich. Analyzing the possible opportunities is another thing which is equally required. Many people who do not get any further financially are the ones who never ventured out into opportunities and never took risks. There are numerous ways by which people can make a whole lot of money. It is important to identify the avenues and work towards getting rich gradually rather than waiting for riches to find its way to you. It is also very important to stay rich after one gets rich. The way we spend our money is one thing that most of us do not bother about. To get rich and to stay so for a considerable period of time, it is necessary to avoid wasteful expenditure. The other most important thing to keep in mind is that one's income should be higher than their expenditure if one plans to become rich. To become rich seems to be the easy part sometimes. To be able to further invest your money and stay rich is the tricky bit. One has to think of these things and find ways of making the money work better for them.